About us



The PROJECT VENDING is an ISO 9001 certified company, established in 2013, based in Ponte di Piave, Italy, in the Venice area, is active in the vending field, designing and manufacturing a variety of vending machines for packed products, food and non food. The company uses the most updated, dedicated technologies now available in this field, thus allowing its customers to have the most innovatory machines.
The know how acquired during the years allows the company to comply with any specific requirements.
The range of products that can be dispensed is very wide as it includes any kind of products dispensable from a machine.

In recent years the company has designed and installed in Belgium a vending machine for beer crates and packages, including the most renowned beer brands.

Another outstanding, innovatory project recently implemented by Project Vending is a jewel vending machine for a prestigious international brand. Thanks to a sophisticated electronics the machine can proposes the customers the most suitable jewel, making them visualise many alternatives before purchasing.
All the Project Vending machines can be remote controlled, thus allowing the suppliers of the dispensed products to get all the sales data in real time. In this way the most suitable, dedicated marketing can be implemented by suppliers of the various products.

Another field where Project Vending is active is the vending machine power consumption. To this purpose, different technologies aimed at power saving and echo friendly are compared. As an example, refrigerators with a low GYP (C02) index, in order not to use any gases harmful to the environment evaluating their impact on the ionosphere. As an alternative, also the use of °fuel cells” is considered, mainly when the machines are to be installed in areas not provided with electric power. In fact, the biological fuel operated machines do not release any polluting substances thanks to their chemical transformation, which generates water only.

Project Vending is also active in the field of alternative energies (wind and solar field) for which the
company can design systems in compliance with specific requirements.